Udyama 2024

One of the most significant events in the Grade 6 calendar, The Entrepreneurship Project-Udyama, was held on 10th February 2024. The idea was mooted to the students in the month of October and the ideation process began individually. Subsequently, three unique and innovative ideas that addressed challenges encountered in everyday life were zeroed down for each section. Grade 6 students prepared PowerPoint presentations, under the able guidance of teachers. Products introduced by 6A included Little Arid, an automatic cleaning robot; Warm Nosh, a solar-enabled self-heating lunch box; and SmartSortBin, an automatic waste segregation bin.

6B presented Pet Purrfect, a smart collar for pets; Astute Glasses, high-tech eyewear that monitors various health issues; and Filtapure, a water purifying bottle equipped with a tea/coffee dispenser, providing pure drinking water and hot beverages on the move.

Finally, 6C showcased Find My Pal, a pet-finding bot; Solar Cruiser, a solar-powered bicycle; and Third Sight Companion, a smart cane. The aspiring entrepreneurs astounded the audience with their distinctive product range, presentation skills, and ability to deal with the challenging questions posed to them. The whole project enhanced students’ analytical, mathematical, and technical skills with teamwork being the highlight of the young entrepreneurs’ learning.